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Student Health and Well-Being


We are students' primary source for a range of physical and mental health care services right in the heart of campus. We provide evidence-based, patient-centered care in a professional and compassionate manner that directly contributes to our students' success and well-being.

Mission Statement

Student Health provides holistic and high quality patient-centered health care to support student’s success and advance their well-being and other members of the University community.

Vision Statement

Student Health seeks to be a premier and nationally-recognized integrated health care system that anticipates and responds to the holistic health and wellness needs of the Carolina Community. We empower the community to be self-directed, well-informed consumers of health care.

Student Health will be recognized nationally for its commitment to enhancing the health of the campus community; providing exceptional quality of care; delivering outstanding access and value; embracing evidence-based practices; providing exceptional medical and health education and supporting highly-skilled, knowledgeable and compassionate staff.


Core Values

  • Compassion
  • Integrity
  • Patient-Centered
  • Respect
  • Quality
  • Collaboration


Strategic Directions Pillars 

  1. Quality Patient Experience
    Utilize state-of-the-art facilities to provide safe, high-quality services, access to affordable care.

  2. Evidence-Based Practices
    Become the exemplary model for our methods of measuring the quality of care.

  3. Healthy & Equitable Campus
    Be the national leader for healthy campus communities while fostering health equity in which individuals display high levels of health literacy.

  4. People
    Attract, develop, engage and retain the highest quality people who clearly understand their roles and responsibilities in achieving the mission, vision and goals.

  5. Performance and Sustainability
    Be at the forefront for establishing sustainable resources through the use of innovation, technology, continuous improvement, public health preparedness, compliance and fiscal responsibility.

  6. Communication
    Articulate effective strategies for communicating and cultivating our vision and values within the organization and the campus community. 

Student Health and Well-Being values inclusive excellence. Our campus community can truly thrive only when those of all backgrounds and experiences are welcomed and respected.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
